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for people-first enterprise

Saint-Louis Those who stayed

Mt. Kilimanjaro
Saint Louis, Senegal
Conservas Saint-Louis

Departure to new heights

Saint-Louis captures the stark contrast between the towering ambitions of migrants and the emotional landscapes of those left behind. 

Using the coastal town of Saint Louis in Senegal, and the heights of Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, this photo-series' essence lies in capturing moments of aspiration and resignation in two vastly different settings 

One of the most poignant moments I witnessed in Saint Louis was a boat setting sail, a vessel that had been a playground for children just the day before. This fleeting transformation from a scene of innocence to one of peril encapsulates the fragile line between adventure and danger that defines the migrant experience.

Much like the delicate balance required to summit Mount Kilimanjaro, where every step towards the peak is fraught with physical exhaustion and vulnerability, the journey of migration is marked by a similar fragility.

Getxophoto 2018